The evolution of transport has been quite interesting like the hand phone evolution. If in the past,cars only can drive you to your destination but now a car are built like a hand phone all in one package products. It has a GPS to give you the map to your destination without have to think where to go, it also have the silent mode for radio when there is incoming calls from your phone, it also have the USB compartment to plug in our USB, it also have the airbag in case an accident happen, it also have a WiFi built in the car using your broadband to plug in and other installed in the car. In addition the car now are becoming key-less, means u don't have to use keys to start the engines. In Australia there is a system known as the Intelligent Transport System or also known as ITS.
Intelligent Transport Systems Australia (ITS Australia) provide the development and deployment of advanced technologies to give safer, more efficient and environmentally sustainable transport across all the public and private modes – air, sea, road and rail. It is established in the year of 1992 in Australia and ITS Australia is an independent not-for-profit incorporated membership organisation representing the ITS suppliers, government authorities, academia and transport businesses and users.Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is the technology applied to transport and infrastructure to transfer information between systems for improved safety, productivity and environmental performance. This includes stand-alone applications such as traffic management systems, information and warning systems installed in individual vehicles, as well as cooperative ITS (C-ITS) applications involving vehicle to infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle communications.
Intelligent Transport System (ITS) refers to the application of computer and communication technologies to manage transport problems.The rapid advances in ITS technologies have enabled the collection of data or intelligence which provides relevant and timely information to road managers and users. The aim is to utilize the various information gathering technologies to solve transport challenges. This system gives the driver the signals on the traffic and incident monitoring so that the driver knows that there is accidents in front or near them, variable message signs by warning the driver in advance on the congestion ahead to give driver a choice to travel on which road, displaying the variable speed limits to warns the driver on the speed limit on certain areas or changing speed limit areas, and lane use management signals to keep the driver alert on which lane can be used if there is any construction and the lane is closed and the system also can warn if there is any possibility on collision between the drivers cars and others.
ITS systems are already in use in Australia and around the world through Managed Freeway schemes, electronic tolling, driver information through GPS systems, CCTV and Variable Message Signs (VMS).The technology is developing rapidly and Australian governments have combined to endorse a policy framework to ensure that ITS systems are used in the most effective way. Malaysia should have this kind of systems built in each of the cars used in Malaysia as the accident rate in Malaysia keeps on increasing over the years. By having this system it will helps in making them more alert while driving on the road and reduce the accident rate in Malaysia.
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